Saturday, June 2, 2012


I had an official visit to one of the prestigious school - Sharjah, UAE.

I was wondering to see unfortunate dental decay on permanent first molars of more than 60 % of kids (same like a rural village) ,I am sure this post may be helpful to you or to your friends.

-most of the time parents think permanent first molars are milk teeth and not giving attention.

(worldwide that is the most decayed extracted... or root canal treated tooth because of the same reason.)
It’s simple to find out if any decay on your kids teeth-especially on first molars.

u don’t need to go to a dentist for checking this.

1. this permanent tooth erupt at the age of six( before falling/shedding any of milk tooth)
2. its erupting after all 10 teeth on upper jaw and 10 teeth on lower jaw erupt.
3. if its gone no new teeth will come in its place.
4.see any unusual stain brown/black or chalky white on PITS of this tooth that may be a decay/cavity. at first stage treatments -are very simple.
if no cavities -u r lucky but as a prevention brushing at night is as/more important than morning.

Any Questions ?

I’m online.
Dr. Shoukath Ali