Saturday, June 29, 2013


{ Fourth Dimension of colour selection- CHARECTERISATION }

Here what I am putting together is my view points – if someone see this different from the updated –proven science of dentistry ,you are welcome and I will be thank full for correction.
When coming to characterisation –mamelons are the main area I concentrate more – that is not on the surface enamel but deep under the dentin- if you realize this –no one can realize your art work !

5 points we have to keep in mind when we do characterisation are
2.white BANDS [horizontal on the labial surface and vertical on the inter proximal.]
3.margins [incisal MARGINS presents with a white line]
4.stains [one or more small amber /brown STAIN.]
5.cracks.[ either white /brown -confined to depth of enamel.]

 First dentin characterisation followed by enamel –white spots craze lines etc. comes here.
                                Contouring is the next step
                    Glazing and finishing is the last but one step-

 if you reach up to here  perfectly the last step that is the FEE COLLECTION will go smoothly-

Do not look into the JUST opposing tooth and try to reproduce a mirror image –[ if you are –doing an aesthetic dental treatment ! ]

 – on the other hand - in aesthetic dentistry there are no so called ‘symmetry’, but you have to consider opposing adjacent teeth + gum and nature of lip to tone of skin…. and when you look further pupil of the eye….. And colour of hair too come to the scene ]

 Thank you all.
                                 Dr. Shoukath Ali. Sharjah.UAE.

Friday, June 28, 2013

crown size and lengthening - FERRULE [ A TOPIC FOR DENTISTS]

an image -hope that will help to solve the problems - about the ferrule !

since there are lots of confusion in this subject - I thought to put the topic ferrule by a simple diagram .
thank you all