Sunday, June 10, 2012



bleeding gums
Its an Easily open pathway for hundreds and millions of bacteria and other micro organisms to
enter your blood stream .

If your heart is perfect every time when this polluted blood passes through heart, it may tolerate –
but what about if it is old / tired &  ill or fixed with a prosthetic heart valve ,
continuous Contaminated blood flow may weaken and damage it and worsen  the situation.

Advanced studies are showing low birth weight babies in pregnancy has some kind of relationship with gum problems ,
in stroke and heart attack  occurance of  very high number or count of same type of the micro organisms present in gum diseasesare also pointing relationship of these micro organisms and dangerous high risk conditions .

Oral health is gateway to general health

Tips: Regular dental visit –clean your teeth (oral prophylaxis) once in six months to once  in  a year - solve the problem !
( diabetic patients and those who already have gum problems may need to increase the dental visit -as per your dentists advice)


gum problems
Normally mild and moderate gum diseases do not give any severe form of pain .
some cases patients present with bad smell or may be bleeding gums when brushing.
But majority of the extractions done around the world are caused by gum diseases.(Especially among diabetics)
Here you can see a young boy 17 years from Sharjah ,UAE
has came to me to get treatment for his 9 years old sister for tooth ache.

During his sisters root canal treatment I could clarify his doubts about bad smell from his mouth and swollen bleeding gum conditions which is always bothering him (but since it was painless he was not sure dental treatment is required or not )

here you can see the change with improved oral hygiene and oral health .
if this patient was left untreated what would have been the consequences.
( he would have reached may be in my clinic or some where else in few years with loose / mobile teeth, with poor prognosis-leading to multiple teeth extactions- that is how we treat periodontal diseases with grade III mobility )

now he has to undergo normal oral prophylaxis once in a year and regular followup every 6 months .



Mr.x from Bangladesh was rushing to my office-coz he is very busy don’t have time to wait till I finish all pre scheduled appointments.
He is hardly 15 days away from his annual vacation- besides regular purchases this vacation is very special and important in his life as his marriage is about to happen during this chutty days.

You may be wondering why I am going around the bush.
Let me come to it-

Interesting part is he don’t has time ( TIME! ) and  he has no enough $ /- for his problems to be solved !

As many of you (my colleagues) might have faced similar situation one or another occasion –in your dental practice, I too was bit confused.

I felt from my deep heart for this man – I called few of my appointment patients to borrow their scheduled time and started this case- needless to say within 13 days ALHAMDU LILLAH finished 3 root canals few restorations and oral prophylaxis here is the case !

thank u

special note : this case could have been treated  by diffrent  methods _
and I would have been able to give you a Hollywood smile photoghraphs -
if i have given enough time and  if it was affordable to some one like a BANGLADESHI  small to medium business man !!