Its an Easily open pathway for hundreds and millions of bacteria and other micro organisms to
enter your blood stream .
If your heart is perfect every time when this polluted blood passes through heart, it may tolerate –
but what about if it is old / tired & ill or fixed with a prosthetic heart valve ,
continuous Contaminated blood flow may weaken and damage it and worsen the situation.
Advanced studies are showing low birth weight babies in pregnancy has some kind of relationship with gum problems ,
in stroke and heart attack occurance of very high number or count of same type of the micro organisms present in gum diseasesare also pointing relationship of these micro organisms and dangerous high risk conditions .
Oral health is gateway to general health
Tips: Regular dental visit –clean your teeth (oral prophylaxis) once in six months to once in a year - solve the problem !
( diabetic patients and those who already have gum problems may need to increase the dental visit -as per your dentists advice)