Why is it?
What can I do?
Generally we- dentist ask a question back – when did you start brushing ?!
Brushing habits will be developed seriously only after the age of 10
(unless until your parents are very strict about brushing habits)
Some are blessed with strongly mineralized teeth ,
while majority will be having teeth with deep pits where yummy chocolates can be stored more than 24 hours.
All the bacteria will enjoy it and excrete some form of acids .
these acids dissolve tooth making narrow pit into a cavity.
Depends on your mouth atmosphere including nature of food ,your immunity and intra oral temperature, saliva – this will increase in to a big hole from few months to few years .
Look at the mirror ,the first big biting tooth ( first molar) inside your mouth-
has erupted at the age of 6 !
if you have little one at the age of 6 -7 years ,do open their mouth and take a look, you will be surprised to see how much food –sticky food and plaque are there on the surface.
This is the time we call mixed dentition period-
And this is the time you will be having milk teeth and permanent teeth together, then some will be shedding some will be erupting and that continuous 10 – 12+ years.
And this is the time we should give more attention to developing decays.
Ok, that’s history
What is to be done now ?– can I never be out of dental clinic in my life ?
Dear friend,
Its not the dentist alone solve the problem,
we do our part and trusting your co –operation we send you home ,
like you take your car to service – maintenance and check-ups…
find out your comfortable dentist and do the necessary treatments and regular follow-ups….you will not be left at the middle of the road with breakdown car if your where following specifications of maintenance .
Tale piece; Still no body is accident proof -
Lets do our job and hope for the best !!
Thank you
Dr.Shoukath Ali.
Dental Surgeon, Sharjah- UAE.
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