Sunday, December 15, 2013


Let us give all the credit to our lab - technicians and take all the responsibility our self.

Or the other way We DENTISTS are the ACTUAL SMILE DESIGNERS – and no way we can blame the technician –
or our loyal customers will not get convinced the errors of the third person since they are only rely on us .

Here we should know what is EXPECTED and what is ESTABLISHED.

From early diagnostic wax up …
to temporary crown and bridges especially if a plan for changing Occlusal Vertical Dimension [increased OVD in this patient]…..
unfinished /un glazed final work….
chair side modification of the work if it is not as we EXPECTED…..[this is the most important part –since it can fluctuate our Blood Pressure !]
and finally temporisation of the prosthesis- are few of them…

it was a challenging case due to lack of time – and no room for any errors – big responsibility-
even after proper planning   so many surprises due to the irresponsible laboratory persons -and how this has managed will be briefing here .

pre treatment photographs

temporary -acrylic crowns +crown & bridges       

[ in case of altering Occlusal Vertical Dimension...this is very important- not concentrating on the appearance since it may have to change many times -but no compromise in function ]...
keeping anterior edge to edge bite -posterior bite is raised . 

 Zirconium for anteriors and metal trial for posteriors- 

after all guidelines this is what came from  the lab! 

[ i usually ask for unglazed -un finished -BISQUE TRIAL]

each steps were discussed -photos given and properly guided -still surprises can happen .
that is the reason for this post.

this stage: it  is better not to show to the patient- and they should not feel we are correcting some mistakes that has happen....this is important because they should not  lose confidence !

               after correction of the anteriors - patient and her daughter were called for their                       VIEWS & OPINION.

[even though both of them like the smile - my judgement like most of you think was to reduce still 0.5 mm vertical hight and shape alteration according to that height]

this time it looks better - but still needed bit improvement-
to reach to golden proportion

all golden proportion achieved KEEPING  the EDGE TO EDGE BITE at anteriors [ not to increase vertical crown height ] and same time OVD is reached to the EXPECTED level. 

finally I could finish it only 4 days back
[ my actual  plan for finishing was 2 weeks before her;last month.]

– and today she came to the clinic with husband and daughter to say thanks….

I too believe the END IS WHAT THAT COUNTS….

And she flew to Canada tonight with happy smiling face …..

thank you 

Dr.Shoukath Ali.

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